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What a Feldenkrais Session looks like

Every Feldenkrais session, called a Functional Integration lesson, is a one hour customized learning experience that reorganizes movement patterns, literally "integrating" for "function."  That "function" includes the elemental human activities (sitting, standing, walking, twisting, turning) to the particular and more specialized activities that each person happens to engage in.  Examples of such activities are swinging a tennis racket, drawing a violin bow, or working at a computer for long periods at a time.  Done fully clothed on a Feldenkrais table, similar to a chiropractic or massage table, these lessons are characterized by the practitioner physically guiding the "student"​ ​​through the terrain of their known movement patterns.  It is painless and non invasive.  Through careful attentive manipulation the practitioner facilitates the recipient's learning of new and expanded ways of moving more fluidly with greater ease and range of mobility.

For more information about the Feldenkrais Method visit the Feldenkrais Guild of North America at                                   

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